HOW the 'great three' pyramids in Egypt were built?
Something which people with more 'open minds' now readily accept!?
Firstly, let's look at a long asked question below, which for many people with open minds, have not seen, a 'believable' answer to, to date, until now, I trust. . . . . . . . Bob ==> _________________________ How Old are the Pyramids? The controversy raised by John Anthony West and Robert Schoch concerning the true age of the Great Sphinx, is now beginning to overcast the other famous monuments which share space on the Giza plateau, — that is, Namely, that the three pyramids were supposedly built by Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkhare in the Fourth Dynasty. Were these Pyramids constructed only 4,300 years ago, or — like the Sphinx — is there evidence they could be far older, dating instead to perhaps over 12,000 years ago? Let’s begin first with looking at the age of the Great Pyramid. The conservative historians’ entire case for dating the Great Pyramid to the Fourth Dynasty rests upon two major pieces of evidence. The first is the story of Herodotus, who in 443 B.C. visited Egypt and recounted how Pharaoh Cheops (the Greek name for Khufu) built the Great Pyramid during his reign with 100,000 men in 20 years. However, we now know this story is highly questionable. Even his contemporaries called Herodotus the "Father of Lies." Not only do the construction estimates he gave not work, but Herodotus, as an Initiate in the Egyptian Mystery Schools, was sworn to secrecy regarding the true nature of the Pyramid, and he more than likely copied a fictitious tale about the monument that was then in circulation among the common masses. The Greek historian’s account stands in sharp contrast to most other Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Roman, Hermetic, Coptic and medieval Arabic scholarly sources which agree, ============================================================================= That the Great Pyramid was NOT constructed during the time frame of Pharaoh Khufu or Dynastic Egypt, BUT was the product of the "Age of the Gods" -- thousands of years earlier! ============================================================================= The second piece of evidence is the existence of painted hieroglyphic inscriptions found in the air space chambers above the King’s Chamber, which include the name of Pharaoh Khufu. They were supposedly discovered by Col. Richard Howard-Vyse in 1837, when he forced his way up to these chambers using gunpowder. But there are certain facts showing these inscriptions were in actuality forgeries. Actually, we have the testament of Pharaoh Khufu himself that he only did repair work on the Great Pyramid. The Inventory Stele, found in 1857 by Auguste Mariette, just to the east of the Pyramid, dates to about 1500 B.C., but according to Maspero and other experts, shows evidence of having been copied from a far older stele, contemporaneous with the Fourth Dynasty. In the Stele, Khufu himself tells of his discoveries made while clearing away the sands from the Pyramid and Sphinx. He dedicated the account to Isis, who he calmily, next to the Great Pyramtern Mountain," "Mistress of the Pyramid," ancolor: #000099;">Today, the ruins of three smale of Isis." The Stele describes how Pharaoh Khufu, "gave to her (Isis) an offering anew, and he built again (to restore, renovate, reconstruct) her temple of stone." From there, the Pharaoh inspected the Sphinx, according to the text, and related the story of how in his time both the monument and a nearby sycamore tree had been struck by lightning. The bolt had knocked off part of the headdress of the Sphinx, which Khufu carefully restored. Egyptologist Selim Hassan, who dug out the Sphinx from the surrounding sands in the 1930's, observed there is indeed evidence that portions of the Sphinx were damaged by lightning, and the mark of ancient repairs is very apparent. Also, he noted, sycamore trees once grew to the south of the monument, which had been dated to a 'great age'. The Stele then ends with the story of how Khufu built small pyramids for himself and his daughters, wife and family, next to the Great Pyramid. Today, the ruins of three small pyramids are indeed situated on the east side of the monument. Archaeologists have found independent evidence that the southernmost of the three small pyramids flanking the Great Pyramid was in fact dedicated to Henutsen, a wife of Khufu. Everything in the inscription thus matches the known facts. If these facts can be believed as true, then the additional information that Khufu was only a restorer of the Great Pyramid and not its builder, must also be treated as historically true. ANCIENT LEGENDS AND MODERN RESEARCH CONFIRM EACH OTHER When we look at mythic history for the story of the origins of the Great Pyramid, we discover that the monument was not attributed to any Pharaoh, but was the product of the genius and higher learning of the Gods of Old. Time and time again, from the Roman Marcellinus to the Coptic Al Masudi and the Arab Ibn Abd Alhokim, the recounters of the ancient legends, tell how the Pyramid was built =========================================================================== To preserve the knowledge of a magnificent civilization, from destruction by a Flood, and that it was this Flood which brought the Age of the Gods to its tragic end. =========================================================================== The various Chronologies of Legendary Rulers place a minimum date for the Age of the Gods as circa 10,000 B.C. This is the time frame Plato, in his Timaeus and Critias, ascribed to the destruction of Atlantis. And it is also this date, as can be proven in modern scientific studies, which was highlighted by major climatic, geologic and geomagnetic disturbances, accompanied by massive paleo-biological extinctions in the planet, marking the division point between the Ice Age and the Present Era. In Egypt, geologists examining the fossil record have found that the combined effect of melting glaciers in the Mountains of the Moon, plus a sharp rise in precipitation levels in Central Africa, caused the Nile river circa 10,000 B.C. to swell in size a thousandfold, Eroding away cliff walls miles from its present banks, and washing out its entire valley throughout the length of Egypt. At the same time, as the Mediterranean Sea began to fill and rise due to higher ocean levels from melting northern glaciers, its waters for a brief period, also flooded the lower Nile valley. These, geologists are certain, are the last major flood events in Egypt’s fossil history, before the sea retreated and the Nile settled down to today’s relatively peaceful, winding flow. Yet, knowing this, geologists are hard pressed to explain why there existed a fourteen-foot layer of silt sediment around the base of the Pyramid, a layer which also contained many seashells, and the fossil of a sea cow, all of which were dated by radiocarbon methods to 11,600 B.P. (Before Present) plus or minus 300 years. Legends and records likewise speak of the fact that, before the Arabs removed the Pyramid’s outer casing stones, one could see water marks on the stones halfway up the Pyramid’s height, in about the 240-foot level, which would be 400 feet above the present Nile level. The medieval Arab historian Al Biruni, writing in his treatise The Chronology of Ancient Nations, noted: "The Persians and the great mass of Magians relate that the inhabitants of the west, when they were warned by their sages, constructed buildings of the King and the Giza Pyramids. The traces of the water of the Deluge and the effects of the waves are still visible on these pyramids halfway up, above which the water did not rise." Add to this the observation made when the Pyramid was first opened, that incrustations of salt an inch thick were found inside. Most of this salt is natural exudation from the chambered rock wall, but chemical analysis also shows some of the salt has a mineral content consistent with salt from the sea. Thus, during the prehistoric Flood, when waters surrounded the Great Pyramid, the known and unknown entrances leaked, allowing seawater into the interior, which later evaporated and left the salts behind. The locations where the salts are found are consistent with the monument having been submerged half-way up its height. If the floodings of 10,000 B.C. were the last major catastrophic water events in Egypt, and the Pyramid exhibits signs of having been subjected to them, It means the Pyramid must date back from a period before the flooding occurred. Though most Egyptologists today have yet to accept such a necessary "radical" revision of their dating of the Pyramid, there have been other discoveries that have forced them to at least realize, that their preconceived theories of any early Dynastic age for the structure, is no longer tenable. Now Here's Something (finally :) about the HOW these pyramids were built . . . . . . . . . In 1983 and 1984, prehistorian Robert J. Wenke fn Even more anomalous, the dates obtained from mortar used near the top of the Pyramid, were a thousand years older than those obtained from mortar nearer the Pyramid base. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The researchers, if they were to fully believe these findings, would have to propose that : . . . . . . . . . ================================================================== The Pyramid had 'somehow' been built from 'the top down'! ================================================================== (I'll leave the details of 'exactly' how, to your more open minded, imaginings -two labs initially gave very different clusterings of dates, off by several thousands of years. When certain "adjustments" in the data were applied, the resulting time frame narrowed to 3100 B.C. to 2850 B.C. — which is still 400 years earlier than when most Egyptologists believe the Great Pyramid was built. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even more anomalous, the dates obtained from mortar used near the top of the Pyramid, were a thousand years older than those obtained from mortar nearer the Pyramid base. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The researchers, if they were to fully believe these findings, would have to propose that : . . . . . . . . . ================================================================== The Pyramid had 'somehow' been built from 'the top down'! ================================================================== (I'll leave the details of 'exactly' how, to your more open minded, imaginings - Bob) What makes the datings further unacceptable, is that all of them were taken from areas of previously exposed surfaces. We know from such sources as the Inventory Stele that the Giza monuments, were time and time again, subjected to many reconstructions and repair work, inside and out. Therefore the radiocarbon dates can only give us 'clues' as to the 'when', of the time frame was for the 'repair' work, Not the 'actual construction' of the Great Pyramid. If the dates are to be believed at all, they at least tell us, that reconstruction work was done on the monument in a time period, long before the "accepted" building was done, Which means the Pyramid itself must be from an even earlier period, 'farther distant' in the past. . . . . . . . . . by Joseph Jochmans (Snipped) For more, go to ________________________________________________________________________ |
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