I listen now and then to Drunvalo Melchizidek and learn a lot from him. If
you lived in Mexico you would be aware of the following. There are beings known
as ‘The Plasma Beings’, who live deep inside Earth.These Beings do not have physical form so we should not confuse them with the IT’s and the Resistance Movement who do.
Drunvalo has become intimately involved with these Beings and become acquainted with who they are. Over one million years ago they lived on Earth’s surface like we do. They were in bodies (not human) like us and they were also destroying this planet. To learn all about their history I suggest you Google Drunvalo M. and Plasma Beings and you will easily find this video.
In 1996 Drunvalo was contacted by six different friends about the activity with these Beings and their plasma spaceships in Mexico. The first contact – sighting was made by Carlos Dios in 1991. He works with the Mexican government who set up a special military connection group for the research of these beings. The Mexican military went on National TV and told the people not to attack, or try to harm these beings in any way. “ They are the good guys and they are our friends”
No other ET race is as recorded as these are. There are thousands of video hours by the Mexican Government.
These benevolent kind Beings do not have physical bodies but they can create human bodies which a few of them did about ten years ago. My guess is that it must be very strange for them to ‘exist’ in a human body just as it probably is strange for us to get used to travelling in our 4th dimensional astral body. The ships – they are glowing orange - lava like ships – these ships are literally THEM in physical form. Later these ‘ships’ appeared in the ‘4 Corners’ area in the USA as also in France. They can come out of Earth anywhere of course.
Drunvalo describes how He along with a group of people, 100 in all***, have interconnected and visited these Beings deep inside Earth, travelling in an extremely small Light body, to the city 266 miles below Earth’s surface.***{Drunvalo has made this 'journey' with several of these groups}
Drunvalo says that in their human form, {if anyone has met them in their human form it would have to be Drunvalo – this man is teaching us so much about our future and its possibilities} they are always making jokes and trying to make us laugh and trying to make us relax. They say things like “Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine, slow down, relax, it will be beautiful everything that happens.”
Archangel Michael and the 'Tipping Point'
On looking through the archives of the In-Light Radio shows where Steve Beckow interviews Archangel Michael weekly, I discovered this discussion about the speed of the awakening on Earth which for many Lightworkers has seemed painstakingly slow. I was looking more generally for quotes from AAM on our Galactic Family but feel the following is suitable to write here and now. AAM said, {October 2012} “It is the awakening — and believe you me the alarm clock has rung already — it is the awakening of the human collective."
There are beings on Earth, even that you know, who have accepted the fact that their role is to work with the collective, with the masses — and I am not talking about small groups; I am talking about millions — and that they are awakening them in ways that may not be even conscious, the same way that we are working with the human collective to awaken, and much of it is unconscious or subconscious.
But the key is bringing this to consciousness for the awakening to be, for someone to wake up in the morning and say, “I feel completely different. I do not know what happened, but I feel different. I feel like the clouds have cleared, the despair is gone, the fear is gone, and I am free to get on with my life and what I really came here for. I feel that I love myself, I love my partner, I love my family, I love my neighbour.”
And this change, which is the fundamental change, is happening by the millions every day. And beyond that… let me be clear that the tipping point that so many refer to has already been reached. So now it simply spreads.
Gaia herself is also going through events, through transitions, through reconstructions. And as she is doing so, so are each of you."
ON ANOTHER OCCASION HE SAID {regarding the increase of communication and unity worldwide between people because of the Internet.}"Are there still problems with this? Yes, of course there are, and those are political problems as well. But this is a significant shift that was not in place long ago. And it is growing, and it is changing, and it is changing at the speed not only of light, but of love.
The acceptance in attitudes of the Divine realm, of the Angelic realm, of the Unseen realm, the acceptance of your Star Brothers and Sisters, of the presence of Galactics, inter-Galactics, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies — this is a given."
Written by Therese Zumi Sumner 13/04/2013
1 comment:
Spotted your write – ups, it’s cool. Very beneficial and interesting there are some ideas I haven’t heard before. Thanks for sharing.
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