JULY 07 2017
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Is this real or just another scam? No articles to support this...
Could be a scam, or it could be true. Believe it was done quietly and then kept quiet. One has to seriously wonder WHY 'they' would go to the trouble to have the poop sign something like this and then keep it quiet and not put this out for the benefit of the people! How can we learn about these things unless we are told? How can we as the people know what to look for and what to question - even challenge - unless the information is provided. Same goes for announcing the restoration of the Republic, the gold backed currency and the RV. IS IT TRUE? Or are We the People being DUPED BIG TIME while the enemy behind the scenes prepares to wholesale slaughter America?? Any more consider we receive nothing but the same lies after lies and delays after delays, stories of arrests, etc. and absolutely NO PROOF OF ANYTHING COMING FORTH OR BEING DONE IS EVER PROVIDED! We are STILL SLAVES, being sprayed continually with highly toxic chemtrails - all under the guise of a 'treaty' that we 'agreed to' (really - by WHOM? Same for the Paris Accord Treaty) upon FRAUDULENT details and statements, and which no longer hold ANY validity - yet we still are being toxic sprayed daily. Are we fools? Are we the sheep being led to slaughter? Why aren't we making our voices and demands heard to put a stop to this?
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