Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Petition to repeal Obamacare

Please find a letter below that you can send to your friends and family.
Simply forward it and put in a title for the e-mail that you would like to use.
Thank you for coming to the aid of this great country.
Newsmax Media
I just signed an important petition to repeal Obamacare, and I am requesting that you join this powerful movement.
This petition will be mailed directly to President Obama and our Congress demanding that they repeal Obamacare immediately before it . . .
  • Increases our budget by $1 trillion (at least!)
  • Cuts Medicare benefits for senior citizens by $500 billion
  • Sends private insurance premiums sky high
  • Sets the groundwork for healthcare rationing for the elderly
  • Will cost you an additional $500 billion in taxes
Newsmax is championing this petition. It will use its political influence to get a copy of this petition into the hands of the president and all members of Congress
I can assure you, our voices will be heard.
Please join me and countless others in signing this petition.
To find out more, go here now
Thank you,

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