Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why aren't we using what we've got (OIL)

Why aren't we using what we've got (OIL)

Now this Congressman has the right idea, let's see how many Congressman support his bill

I don't know when this speech was given, but it is interesting and much to the point of what is happening currently.

Is your gasoline going up ??? Here is a REAL solution that has been offered before to no avail, because our "friends" in Congress won't do what needs to be done.

The MEDIA did NOT tell us about this speech in Congress! Turn your sound up, and click below, then pass it on. It needs to be heard by the American people!



Anonymous said...

Oil does not come from dead dinosaurs prehistoric ferns. Oil is abiotic. Read this: http://www.gasresources.net/ThrmcCnstrnts.htm
If oil is a fossil fuel then somebody explian the lakes of oil on Titan. Where the hell are the dinosaurs on Titan. If oil is a fossil fuel then there has to be dinosaurs on Titan. Oops ...no dinosaurs.

IcemanSC said...

John, why won't you post my comment as to the real reason why we can not drill for oil in the US that I submitted when this post came out?
It is very simple.
There is a treaty that Kissinger sold us into back when they set up OPEC and the World Bank.
If we drill in this country it is considered an act of war, plain and simple.
The sad fact is that most all of congress knows this but plays the blame the left/right game for the amusement of the American Sheeple.
