Thursday, January 6, 2011

WAS JOHN WHEELER III one upset individual when he recognized the parallel of HUGHES TOOL AND DIE UMBRELLA CORPORATIONS

Rumormill News

WAS JOHN WHEELER III one upset individual when he recognized the parallel of HUGHES TOOL AND DIE UMBRELLA CORPORATIONS
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Thursday, 6-Jan-2011 06:53:10
It is believed; It can be safely said: John Wheeler III was one upset individual when he recognized the parallel of HUGHES TOOL AND DIE UMBRELLA OF CORPORATIONS and The MITRE Corporation..
What happened to John Wheeler III? It would in all probability a fair guess this gentleman from one of Americas prominent families.. still had a 'touch' of what the Constitutioners or the Founding Fathers intended in the Original Purpose and Intent of the Constitution of/for the united States of America when the fledgling states after drafting the Original Constitution for those "thirteen" states.. realized they needed a centralized representative government to handle the 'payment of debts'.. 'conduct international trade'... and 'Common Defense'.. which the guidelines and can do's and can not do's.. were contained in the SEVEN ARTICLES of the U.S. Constitution.. or the Constitution of the United States of America.
Americans who are proud of being 'Americans'.. who take the "Oath to Uphold, Protect and Defend the Constitution of/for the united States of America, Against all Parties, Foreign and Domestic" take that Oath pretty damned seriously. They take the Oath to the states of the Union of the Republics.. not to the Constitution of the United States of America. The later is the 'hired employees' who, it appears, have wrongly violated their Oath of Offices of Public Trust while indulging in Organized Corporate Criminal Activities of a 'Hostile takeover' of the Management Operations 'for' the Republic states of the Union which has brought about the most serious situation whereas there appears to be a need A SECOND REPUBLIC, AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME.
Open this link while you are listening to the videos:
1st Pillar: “RESTORE THE SOVEREIGN STATE” – First things first: the Sovereign Nation-State is the only social institution designed to promote the Common Interest of the majority of “We, The People” in every country, and to protect the National Interest against perils from abroad (foreign powers bent on imperial conquest), from above (world government) and... more at above link. VIDEOs Article Continues:

What happened to John Wheeler III? He in all probability read December 27, 2010 article posted here on RMNews titled "DOWN THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD"
"OITC standing policy as ordered by Dr. Dam is that while assets may belong to OITC, the papers for these assets belong to the Holders. " end quote. Keith Scott, David Sale, David Crayford, 'Whistleblower', And The OITC This article appeared at the website listed below.;read=191016
This same principle is applicable to our homes, farms, schools, hospitals, highways, bridges, airports, waterways, and other Tax Payer, Homeowner, Farmer School Tax Bond payers, Hospital Bond Tax Payers, Toll Road Bond Tax Payers, Airport Bond Tax Payers, etc, etc, etc which was sold off by President G.H.W. Bush in Executive Order 12803. See: Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization. George Bush. The White House, April 30, 1992.

This same principle is applicable to those who illegally 'securitized' Gold Property 'Certified, Owned, Held' by V.K. Durham Held in Durham Int. Ltd. Holding Trust, Tias 12087. See:
This same principle is applicable to the Identity Theft of US Fed. Corporation 1984-86 Treaties international agreements Section 12087 by those associated with OITC and the White House which allegedly gave these individuals "Diplomatic Immunity" free from any investigation involving "Criminal Activity" further protected by DOJ MEMO "DO NOT INVESTIGATE" GORELICK MEMO + SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
This is the same principle applied by President G.H.W. Bush, Alan Greenspan, etals to the 1991 Bank Failures and Brady Bonds. See: 1/14/03. THE BRADY BONDS, THE FRAUDS & 1991 BANK FAILURES By V.K. Durham ... BRADY BONDS & 1991 BANK FAILURES. The SEPTEMBER 12, 1991 "120 BILLION DOLLAR ...

This is the same principle applied by President William J. Clinton when cutting deals with BCCI Bank's James Riady GLOBAL ECONOMIC "JIHAD" & THE RIADY-WHITE HOUSE- BCCI BANKING GROUP BEHIND IT

This is the same principle applied when the issues brought up in Public Notice
Rather than having me attempting to explain how this "Money Laundering" and property theft Black Ops works in the Criminal Banking, Finance and Economic Industries the following quote from a recent situation involving the 'Fed. Bailout of the auto industry, to wit:
SNIP: Typically, once they lend money to a buyer, they sell the loan, get the cash upfront, then pump the proceeds back into the business. They also take out short-term loans called commercial paper that keeps the day-to-day business afloat. The crash cut the circuit, raising the chances the automakers couldn't make loans to buyers and keep selling new vehicles.
That's where the Fed stepped in. In normal circumstances, the Fed only lends money to banks, leaving the decisions about who should get credit to them. But when the financial markets started to collapse in late 2008, the Fed set up several programs to lend money directly to corporations, a highly unusual step.

SOURCE: Ford, BMW, Toyota Took Secret Government Money
Under the Glass Steagall Act the requirement for banks worked on 20% Gold Reserves in the banks and 80%.. 'fiat' lending power. When commercial paper was sold, it was discounted by the Feds .45%. This gave them the 'cushions' needed to keep legitimate banking going..
But some of the 'banking players' got greedy. These were the affiliated CONTRA ARMS FOR DRUGS, ARMS FOR GOLD BANKS. These 'banks' were enjoying the operating ABOVE CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT while the Diplomatic Immunity of those participating members operated under Treaties international agreements other than treaties.. called TIAS, such as Tias 12087. Tias 12087.
TIAS 12087, Done in Washington November 19, 1984 Entered into Force March 24, 1986. See Note by US Dept. of State and scroll down to bottom, click Right Arrow.. and continue reading The Multilateral Agreement
Unfortunately the Treaty international agreements other than treaties Section 12087 "Inter-American Development Bank and Inter-American Development Corporation were allowed to indulge in IDENTITY THEFT of US CORPORATION BANKS, register said Banks and etc.. in the State of Nevada then proceed on their merry way with OITC and "High Powered Associates" operating under Diplomatic Immunity and a "Do Not Investigate Criminal Activity" issued by Department of Justice Deputy Jamie Gorelick..
a. See: 9.29.04

This was known as Bank Act No. Two.. The Bank Act No. One also known as the Breton Woods Agreement was the setting up the World Bank/IMF-GATT of the Breton Woods Agreement to rebuild war torn Europe to which there were 145 Original Subscribing Nations which became THE UN's WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION.
The Original Purpose and Intent of the Breton Woods Agreement-World Bank-IMF-GATT [General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs] was defined in the first TEN Sections which was to gurantee "Equal Parity" and "Non Interference with Sovereignty's of Nations."
9/22/06. The Original Purpose and Intent of the UN/Bretton Woods Agreement-World Bank-IMF-GATT was breache.. Sovereignties began to be interfered with and placed in "Jeopardy" and "Harms Way." 118 NATIONS PULL AWAY FROM THE UN, PAKISTAN WAS THREATENED TO BE BOMBED BACK TO STONE AGE, BANKERS & LEADERS MURDERED, OVERTHROW OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, DISMANTLING OF STATES, VOTING IN THE "NEW STATES CONSTITUTION"
The 118 Nations which pulled away from the UN were Sovereign Nations who had entered into THE BRETON WOODS AGREEMENT-GATT-IMF which was drafted by England’s Keynesians during WWII and before the ink was dry on the German Surrender... The Breton Woods Agreement was on the table for the Nations of the Civilized world to sign.. 145 Nations signed on to the Breton Woods Agreement in Haiti in 1947. Those nations have increased to 175 subscribing Nations. 118 have withdrawn and are currently called the "Non Aligned Nations."
Why did those 118 Nations withdraw? Those 118 Nations with drew due to the arbitrary changing the original purpose and intent of the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) by simply changing the words which prohibited certain acts to be converted to a permissive word which would allow these third world nations to be willfully, maliciously abused by those such as the Corporations and a DURHAM HOLDING TRUST "held as Retired" Corporation fraudulently incorporated by those associated with the Al Qaeda such as found in the Identity Theft of U.S. Fed. Corporations such as contained in the LIST of the LAUNDRY FACILITY known as the IRS BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB (see: )
represented by such Political Prominents as Tom Delay, Jack Abramoff and 80,000 additional Lobbyist who have bought and paid for the Powers of Offices of Public Trust of those who sit in offices alleging to represent WE the People.

The 118 Nations withdrew from the United Nations because of the increasing heavy handedness of the Administrative Offices of the United States, and The 118 Nations withdrew from the United Nations due to the Breach of the Original Purpose and Intent as recorded in the First Four Sections of the Original International Monetary Fund Agreement (Breton Woods-GATT-IMF 1947) which has interfered with the Sovereignty of Nations in Direct Opposition of the Original Purpose and Intent of this Agreement.
These 118 Nations withdrew because THE WHITE HOUSE INVOLVEMENT with flooding their nations with box's and crates of US GOLD & CERTIFICATES printed from the U.S. TREASURY PLATES sent to Russia which can be read at ,
and U.S. TREASURY PLATES were also sent to General Chiang Ki Sheck..

This is the "Money" the "families need" which can be found in the Ambassador Leo Wanta and Vice President Cheney documents in TomFlocco's Articles posted at
and ..
These families concerned in these documents of Ambassador Wanta and Vice President Cheney, are the "families" of the remaining 57 Wealthy Nations who underwrite the UNITED NATIONS which the 118 Nations withdrew from the 175 UN Subscribing Nations of the International Monetary Fund, GATT and the old Breton Woods Agreement. READ MORE:

These families concerned in these documents of Ambassador Wanta and Vice President Cheney, are the "families" of the remaining 57 Wealthy Nations who underwrite the UNITED NATIONS which the 118 Nations withdrew from the 175 UN Subscribing Nations of the International Monetary Fund, GATT and the old Breton Woods Agreement.
In furtherance...The Equal Parity Guarantee to these 118 now unaligned nations became subjected to the heavy handedness 57 Nation portion of the before mentioned agreement has been violated by the Rich these 57 nations had subscribed to the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, GEORGE H.W. BUSH, WILLIAM J. CLINTON and now the present occupants of the White House involvement in destruction of the banking systems of these nations by allowing hundreds of trillions of dollars in Counterfeit US Debt Instruments to be 'sold' and 'joint ventured' in their 'third world nations and nations economies' only to find out when the DUE DATE came..the Fed. R. and U.S. Treasury would deny the legitimacy of those instruments which the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury 'guaranteed' but "all banking must be done off shore" and they would split "50%-50%" the gold and other profits from this Counterfeit operation which you can read about in their own PUBLIC NOTICE at ..

This group created a GLOBALIST RADICAL WAHHABI TERRORIST which threatens civilization and long established Religions which have cohabited peaceably for 2000 years plus or minus to its very core. You can read about it at
and other articles cover this in .

Richard Millhaus Nixon as President of the United States was removed from office for this 'wannabe' a King activity... The man was so delusional he went so far as to have Palace Guard Uniforms made for the units guarding the White House..
Nixon also introduced the "New States Constitution" to the U.S. House of Representatives for implementing back in 1972.
It was Nixon's Administration that allowed THE TROJAN HORSE (Manchurian Candidate Syndrome) when Nixon went to China (which my husband obtained the invitation from China's Premier for Nixon to come to China) and Spiro Agnew as the Vice President commenced doing 'business' and cutting deals which were connected with the Iranians and the transactions went through the Greek Banks.
This Nixon/Agnew "Manchurian Candidate/Trojan Horse" has persisted to the present time and I have written about THE CONTRAS and posted the articles on TheAnteChamber which can be read at .

When reading the article connect the dots between Nixon/Agnew and the Greek-Iranian Banking and cutting deals..with Global Alliance Investment Association, Hellenic Express International and The Inter-American Development Corporation along with the incorporation of the Inter-American Development Bank by the Al Qaeda. When you connect the dots on that..then look at the US Treaty which was also incorporated by the
Al Qaeda which would keep them outside Congressional Purview.. See:
there are 29+ pages which you should copy off and study.. and you will find the incorporation of the U.S. Fed. Corporations in the Records of the Nevada Corporations Commissioner.

I am told: The "New States Constitution" is again being submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives and to be voted on this coming weekend along with some idiotic idea that Executive Orders are to be voted on whereas they will become law.
Pursuant to the Constitutional Rule of Law and Cases standing in Res Judicata regarding Executive Orders.. Executive Orders are not Law. This can be found in Constitutional Ruling Case Law. Supplement II.
WE the People do not 'vote' for Kings.. Our Constitution forbids this nation to be ruled by "Kings" and run by The Kings Crown Corporations... That is what the Declaration of Independence was about..and it was spelled out in the Rights To Declare and contained further in the Declaration of Independence. Pull it up..and study it.. and you best do it now..
Back several years ago the U.S. House passed an Act of Congress which forbid the CIA and other U.S. Operatives from 'taking the lives of leaders of other nations" and so forth.. - Pakistan: U.S. threatened to bomb us back to Stone Age - Sep 21, 2006

Snip: In July 1944, during World War II, economist John Maynard Keynes of England, and Harry Dexter White of the United States, organized the United Nation’s Monetary and Financial Conference (or Bretton Woods Conference) in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to lay out a plan for stabilizing the world economy. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was signed; and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and International Monetary Fund were established.
In the early 1960s, the American economy began declining, and the international situation became unbalanced again. On August 15, 1971, President Nixon announced a new economic policy. The dollar was devalued, and its convertibility to gold was suspended. He initiated a 90-day wage price freeze, stimulative
tax and spending cuts, and placed a temporary 10% tariff on most U.S. imports. Japan and Western Europe were pressured into relaxing their trade barriers, in order to give the United States more access to them; and Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan were requested to decrease the flow of goods and textiles into the country. These moves offered relief to the country’s economic woes, but was an indication that Nixon was retreating from the global policies which were formulated during the 1960s.

Note: This brought about another "Treaty international agreements other than treaties" which gave 'access' to the US Banking System and Vice Versa for those 'subscribing nations.' This allowed for the old game of "Which SHELL has the PEA hidden beneath it?" In the the past this was called A SHELL GAME.
What BANK could cause a Nation to be threatened "to be bombed back to the stone age?"
Another Investigator Writes: Re: #4: THE REASON FOR "CONTRACTS" ON 127 HEADS

It appears that Mr. E.J. EKKER and his ground crew are indeed on the ground, all hiding under their seperate beds.
OK, so now we have found that the Executive Vice-President of Global Alliance Investment Association (GAIA) who has been one of the main right hand men of this E.J. EKKER is also a STRAW-MAN having his name listed " as President " for over 50 companies all registered in the State of Nevada, while I found five ()5) more additional registration that He was also listed as the President, so we now have Number 51) The name of the corproation is INCFAST NEVADA, INC> registered 4/10/2002 and ID NUMBER is C8902-2002 and it was REVOKED on 5/1/2005 = dead horse. And No 52) is HUNTCON INTERNATIONAL, INC> registered on 7/2/2001 ID Number is C 17559-2001 and it was ALSO REVOKED on 8/1/2005 = another dead horse. No 53) is FETTEROLF INDUSTRIES CO> Registered 12/4/1995 and ID Registration is C 21263-1995 and it WAS REVOKED on 1/1/2005= dead horse. and No 54) is CREATIVE SOURCE ENTERPRISES, INC> registered on 4/12/2002 and ID Number is C 9137-2002 and it WAS REVOKED on 5/1/2005 = another dead horse. And No-55) is BARRIER VELOCITY, INC> registered 3/2/2004 and ID Registration number is C 5141-2004 and listed as DEFAULT on 4/1/2007 and the Stable Manager is still dead drunk and asleep so I will wait until He wakes up to ask him if Companies athat are declated by the Secretary of the State of Nevada as " default " a dead horses as compared to the State of Nevada having listed a corporation as " was REVOKED "?
OK, so now Ron KIRZINGER is connected with these 55-different registrations listing himself as the President for fifty-five different State of Nevada Corporations, plus He was also a co-director for that COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING Corporation also registered in that State of Nevada. Now this is the infamous COSMOS that is said to have been a valid corporation registered and owned by Russell Herman back around 1985, so I did a search for this name at the State of Nevada website at source:
Probably, those years of Russell Herman and John Wheeler III working together.. sort of 'jogged' a brain cell or two when John Wheeler III.. then 'recall set in' as Mr. Wheeler put the pieces to gether and "Connected the Dots".. then.. probably.. John Wheeler III.. Read along with other documents which had been made available on the internet for serious DOT CONNECTING.. which would have included this:
The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997
© Crown Copyright 1997

Which would have blown the hell out of this Department of Health and Human Services aka Social Security Operation hidden under the "umbrella" of The MITRE Corporation.. along with others which operated with Diplomatic Immunity Privileges.. operating under a DO NOT INVESTIGATE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES "MEMO" from the Department of Justice, Deputy AG.. Jamie Gorelick.. which GORELICK MEMO + SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
can be read

Mr. Wheeler.. probably re-listened to those tape recordings made available to Elliot Spitzer, Patrick Fitzgerald, ONI, FBI, and bankers around the world then read what happened to Mr. and Mrs Ekker: Acording to the TAPE RECORDINGS (set of 2 copied front and back) made by Commander Hatonn aka Doris J. [Eloise] Ekker which were posted to be further recorded by (a) Interpol, (b) Patrick Fitzgerald, D.O.J., (c) FBI, (d) Office of Naval Intelligence, (e) Victim Banking and etc., wherein Doris J Ekker also known as COMMANDER HATONN stated the Sultan of Brunei backed the "FABRICATION" of Instruments on
Bonus Certificate 3392-181 with 20% of his nations wealth for the ASEAN pronounced "Asewan" not to be confused with the Asian.. which further involved the GAIA-Ekkers setting up operations using IDENTITY THEFT of U.S. Corporations and Treaty international agreements other than treaties Section 12087 Corporations see E.J. Ekkers quote: Inter-American Development Bank just set up a little nice banks all around, you know, the little Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank, po-dunk Development Bank, and ever so many more. This sprang out of Inter American Investment Corporation MINE originally set up by the Bush's but never through Incorporation OOPS, BIG GOOF!! This was also pretty inclusive of the DEPOSIT TRUST [Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, New York, New York] outfit who runs all the stocks, etc. [end quote] Which brings about the issue of E.J. Ekker's throat being cut, and the probable cause. see:

Then.. in all probability.. Mr. Wheeler reviewed The Chain of Title of the Actual Owners of the "Sovereign Indebtedness" instruments at along with checking the "Certification Date, Recording Date of Filing of Public Record, Date Filed in Corporate Records.. against the "2004 incorporation of the 1875 Financial House of the Financial Agents of Peru
by JP Morgan".. whereupon he probably said: "Holy Shit!" after realizing it is the Certification and Prior RECORDING DATEs which 'shoots' JP MORGAN Banking in the foot.

It is believed; It can be safely said: John Wheeler III was one upset individual when he recognized the parallel of HUGHES TOOL AND DYE UMBRELLA OF CORPORATIONS and The MITRE Corporation..
Further; John Wheeler III.. probably discovered The MITRE Corporation had been "compromised". Further discovering this alleged 'non profit corporation' was acting as an "Umbrella" [U.S. House Oversight Committee, Howard Hughes "Tool and Dye" Umbrella Corp.] due to the following:
"The Mitre Corporation website states: “The MITRE Corporation is a not-for-profit organization chartered to work in the public interest. As a national resource, we apply our expertise in systems engineering, information technology, operational concepts, and enterprise modernization to address our sponsors' critical needs. MITRE manages Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs): one for the Department of Defense (known as the DoD Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence FFRDC), one for the Federal Aviation Administration (the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development), one for the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (the Center for Enterprise Modernization), and one for the Department of Homeland Security (the Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute). MITRE also has its own independent research and development program that explores new technologies and new uses of technologies to solve our sponsors' problems in the near-term and in the future”.
What did Wheeler know in his special positions that would have gotten him killed? We have just verified that the Carlyle Group (Bush Seniors boys) has a facility contract for the Pine Bluff Arsenal storage, which contains chemical warfare materials,
Wheeler, who lived in New Castle, was chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund during the Ronald Reagan era. He also held many sensitive high-profile government positions after graduating from West Point in 1966.
Mr. Wheeler throughout his career was on assignment with the Secretary of Defense and was so highly thought of he received a special citation for exceptionally meritorious service to the United States as the Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. From 3 November 2005 to 20 June 2008.
In 2008, Mr. Wheeler was the Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Energy. In 2009, Mr. John Wheeler was asked to be a “Consultant” to the Mitre Corporation.
Mitre Corporation has four (4) major areas of significance within the confines of the Federal Government including the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency. Those areas of influence are: Aviation System Development, Defense and Intelligence, and Homeland Security. Mitre Corporation employs 7000, 65% of whom have Masters or PH.D., many of whom are full time scientists.
The Mitre Corporation website states: “The MITRE Corporation is a not-for-profit organization chartered to work in the public interest. As a national resource, we apply our expertise in systems engineering, information technology, operational concepts, and enterprise modernization to address our sponsors' critical needs. MITRE manages Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs): one for the Department of Defense (known as the DoD Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence FFRDC), one for the Federal Aviation Administration (the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development), one for the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (the Center for Enterprise Modernization), and one for the Department of Homeland Security (the Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute). MITRE also has its own independent research and development program that explores new technologies and new uses of technologies to solve our sponsors' problems in the near-term and in the future”.
1. What did Wheeler know in his special positions that would have gotten him killed? We have just verified that the Carlyle Group (Bush Seniors boys) has a facility contract for the Pine Bluff Arsenal storage, which contains chemical warfare materials, whose mishandling may have caused the death of 5000 birds and 100,000 fish?
2. What is the connection between Wheeler, Mitre Corporation, Department of Defense and the Carlyle Group?
3. What information did Wheeler, a highly credentialed chemical weapons expert, have on the Pine Bluff Arsenal, and the environmental catastrophe? Did Wheeler have information he was about to reveal and was silenced?
White Hat Report #7 – Murder, Resignations and Judgment Day

The Obama "Undocumented Worker" question (missing (hidden) long-form birth certificate) is on the Supreme Court's docket for Conference on January 7th. The background of this case, in short, is this: About 18 months ago, at a college appearance of the Chief Justice, Dr. Orly Taitz confronted John Roberts with a suitcase of 350,000 signatures from World Net Daily and other data, asking the Supreme Court to hear the complaints about Obama's legitimacy, since he was not vetted. Roberts promised her publicly that he would review the information.

It appears that Roberts kept his promise and the info is going before all 9 Justices on January 7th. All of the previous cases have been denied for lack of 'Standing' or being frivolous. Without the Court's intervention, Obama and the Gangster's will run by Administrative fiat; as a Dictator with the Congress being but a gnat buzzing around his head. The Court can remove his 'head' (Authority) and the rule of law can be restored. Everyone must send letters or telephone call the Supreme Court to encourage the Chief Justice to be pro-active in forcing Obama to produce his long-form birth certificate and answer other Interrogatories. The address for Chief Justice Roberts is as follows:
Chief Justice John Roberts
Supreme Court of the United States

One First Street N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
General Inquiry: 202-479-3000
Clerks Office: 202-479-3011

As of January 4th, 2011, Falcone and his attorneys have hand delivered to each Senator and Representative a package of information containing detailed information outlining all the facts that have been reported to date along with additional details. This includes the payoffs to Biden, as well as the theft of funds from Falcone. The Congress will have in their possession all the information and documentation they will need to initiate inquiries and pursue justice. The challenge to the 112th Congress will begin the day they are sworn in and take the oath to the Constitution.
Make no mistake; VP Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain resigned yesterday. The reason for his untimely resignation is due to the pressure on Biden’s position becoming untenable. It’s apparent that even the Administration’s attempt to save Biden by putting him in charge of the new nuclear arms treaty with Russia has failed. This should force Biden's resignation. The sooner the better.
With Press Secretary Gibes resignation today, the current president’s resignation and/or removal from office cannot be far behind. Obama has interfered again with the delivery of the Global Settlement packages by misdirecting TSA to stop the FedEx deliveries.
We will be watching Washington D.C. next week, anticipating new information to bring light on further corruption and future resignations. We wish our best to the 112th Congress, and we’re happy to hear they will be reading the full text of the US Constitution on the floor when the session begins on January 6th.

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